| 1. | Lei yue opera games - 4455 miniclip games 鲤鱼跃门小游戏- 4399小游戏 |
| 2. | Shanghai group to perform yue opera 上海越剧院上演新版红楼梦 |
| 3. | Analysis on the development of the prosperous yue opera in isolated shanghai 孤岛时期越剧的繁荣及其原因 |
| 4. | 4455 lei yue opera games 更多同类游戏 |
| 5. | Lei yue opera games 鲤鱼跃门小游戏 |
| 6. | In shengzhou , a museum of yue opera lays out the development course of the opera 在嵊州市,还建有越剧博物馆,陈列、展示关于越剧的发展历程。 |
| 7. | Cantonese opera home page , everything you want to know about cantonse yue opera , its history , etc -以与深圳相关的日常经贸信息为主,实用性较强。 |
| 8. | Zhang ruihong , from the yue opera in shanghai , is just incredible - she sings and moves amazingly 来自上海越剧院的章瑞虹,确实令人难以置信? ?她的演唱和表演是令人惊讶的。 |
| 9. | Actors perform in yue opera at a plaza in shengzhou city , east china ' s zhejiang province , oct . 25 , 2007 . the 10th zhejiang drama festival kicked off there on thursday 10月25日,在浙江省嵊州市城市广场,嵊州市越剧艺术中心一团的演员正在演出越剧《狸猫换太子》 。当晚,浙江省第十届戏剧节在嵊州开幕。一些民间剧团在戏剧节期间将献上精彩好戏。 |
| 10. | Artistic director michael walling explained that the reason he chose yue opera out of many other influential chinese operas was because it is the only one with pure female performers ( although there has been a recent emergence of male performers ) 艺术总监迈克?沃林在解释他选择越剧而非其他有影响力的中国剧种的原因时说,因为她是唯一一个完全由女演员组成的剧种(尽管近期有男演员的出现) 。 |